2021-2022 Annual General Meeting 10/08/2022
Chairman: President Trevor Sawyer. The meeting began at 10.45am
Trevor Sawyer, Ian Mathieson, Ron Moore, Tim Robinson, Horst Karascay, Brian Canny, John Williams, Andrew Slejko, Brian Burch, Peter Hill, Paul Bladen, Ray Turner, Greg Dever, Nick Georgiou, Roger Moulday, Paul Ryan, Syd Sherrin, Ray Busby, Stan Rogers, Frank DeDood, Terry Hawker, Ian Wieland, Vern Stott, Les Loeliger, Leo Gregoric, Martin Siegrist, Leigh Marshall, Alistair Shaw, Colin Large.
Opening of Meeting.
Trevor welcomed all to the meeting and thanked them for making their time available.
Apologies Received.
Frank Wheatland, Richard Marks
Confirmation of Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting.
Moved they be accepted by Brian Burch, seconded by Ray Busby. All in favour, passed.
Presentation of President’s report.
Trevor Sawyer presented his report that was tabled and a copy is attached. He also expanded on some points within the report.
Presentation of Secretary’s report.
Ian Mathieson presented his report that was tabled and a copy is attached.
Presentation of Treasurer’s report.
Ron Moore presented the accounts for the year and provided some further detail by way of specific transactions that were carried out during the year. Copies of all the accounts are attached and the available cash is a total of $57,123.06.
Presentation of Woodwork report.
Brian Burch presented a report that was tabled and a copy attached. He also read the report to attendees highlighting some of the projects during the year.
Presentation of Metalwork/Car Group report.
Ian Wieland presented a report that was tabled and a copy attached. He also highlighted
some of the projects that helped raise funds during the year.
Presentation of Singing Group report.
A report was presented by Richard Marks, copy attached, but in his absence Alistair Shaw
provided an update on what has been happening with the Group and that was appreciated
by those present.
Presentation of Garden Group report.
A brief report was presented by Alan Scott and a copy of that is attached.
Presentation of Cooking Group report.
No activity during the year so nothing to report.
Composition of new committee i.e number of ordinary members.
A motion was put forward by Ian Mathieson that the number on the committee should be
reduced to the executive four (4) plus two (2) others to help streamline the processes as
the committee meetings were becoming to drawn out. Much larger organisations with much
greater turnover and member/staff levels have smaller committees than ours. The motion was seconded by Frank DeDood. As there was no motion against the tabled motion the decision was put to a vote by the chairman and it was passed unopposed. That meant that the new committee would by a total of six(6) members. Tim Robinson then reminded
everyone that any member is entitled to attend and listen in on any committee meeting that
is held.
Election of new committee.
Trevor Sawyer declared all positions vacant and stepped aside and handed the meeting over to Greg Dever to carry out the election process. He called for nominations and the written nominations received for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer were for the standing office bearers and as there were no further nominations from the floor they were re-elected unopposed.
President - Trevor Sawyer
Vice President - Tim Robinson
Secretary - Ian Mathieson
Treasurer - Ron Moore.
However there were four nominations for the committee in Brian Burch, John Williams, Ian Wieland and Vern Stott and with the reduction in the number on the committee an election poll was needed. Greg Dever acted as the electoral officer and voting slips were provided to those present to vote for the two members that they wished to fill the remaining positions but voting was not compulsory. After collecting and counting the votes Greg provided the results to the secretary who informed the members that the two committee positions would be filled by Ian Wieland and John Williams.
Confirmation of Annual Membership/ Joining Fee.
It was agreed by all members present that the fee would remain at $50.00.
President Trevor then thanked all present for their involvement and closed the meeting at 11.46am.
N.B. Copies of all reports referred to in the minutes can be provided on request to the Secretary.